To me, human-centered design has a lot in common with the craft of stand-up comedy. It might sound weird, but let me explain:
Stand-up comedians initially listen to stories of people or observe situations connected to a certain context. They look at them from more than only one perspective and incorporate their thoughts and ideas. They test and improve their ideas. Eventually, they create a memorable moment for the audience by having a positive impact on their lives. From small comedy clubs all the way to big theatres.
In my opinion good design evolves by empathizing with people's desires, ambitions as well as fears and involving potential user in an iterative and collaborative process while embracing diversity. Having a good laugh and working with people is what makes me have a great passion for both, stand-up comedy and developing empowering products and services that create meaningful experiences driven by purpose and emotions.

Credit: Petra Jaschke
I grew up in a small town close to Munich, not having a clear vision of what I want to become. All I knew was that my passion for creating things made my day. Whether that was an imaginary world for action figures, building a camp in the woods, a stage banner for a music festival we arranged or just a simple doodle.
After working as a project manager in supply engineering and traveling seven countries over two years, I decided to follow my fascination for the creative area and pursue a career as a designer. During my time studying Industrial Design at Pforzheim University, I had the chance to work with global companies like Daimler and Logitech and gather experience in a professional and multi-disciplinary surrounding. Next to seeing the Northern Lights, my exchange semester in the masters program of
Advanced Product Design at the Umeå Institute of Design in Sweden has been another great experience that shaped me being the person and designer I am today.
Currently I am seeking opportunities to work with creative people and support a company that encourages me to have a positive impact on people's lives. I want to broaden my expertise in experience design and solve complex problems through
an inclusive and human-centered approach.
Hello, my name is Daniel Diermeier.
I am an Experience Designer from Munich,
who loves stand up comedy, vintage bikes and creating meaningful experiences.

UX Designer | Tangity
Tangity - part of NTT DATA Design Network
December 2021 - Present

Design Team Lead | CUBE
Product Designer | CUBE
CUBE Bikes
September 2021 - December 2021
August 2020 - August 2021

UX Design working student | LAB1886
Business Innovation at Daimler AG, Stuttgart
March 2018 - December 2018

Strategic Design assistant | GründerWERK
Institute for Start-Ups at University Pforzheim
11 Months, 2016 / 2017 / 2018

Product Design intern | Daimler AG
Future Studies & Vehicle Concepts, Sindelfingen
September 2017 - March 2018
Work & Travel
Australia & New Zealand
2 Years, 2010 / 2011 - 2013
UID | Umeå Institute of Design
MFA Advanced Product Design, Umeå (Sweden)
Exchange Semester, 6 Months, 2019
DesignPF | University Pforzheim
BA Industrial Design
Bachelor Degree Program, 5 Years, 2015 - 2020
References & Workshops
